2009 m. vasario 27 d., penktadienis


Emotion- that is a thing, which makes our life more exciting, stimulating and meaningful. Happiness is one of these emotions and everyone try to achieve it
both consciously and unconsciously. Difference is, how each person interprets this word and what does it mean for him to be happy.

According to the research on a quality of life, which was made by sociologist Ruut Veenhoven, the
Dane and the Swedish are most satisfied with their life. However psychologists claim that happiness is not depend on race, age, or male. It is not depend on being in poor or reduced circumstances too.
Because people always seek to get more and more. So, I think that people attitude, temperament and their culture are hugest factors, which affect their mood.

So, how to find personal happiness? People have to be optimistic and self confident, that can help to realize their goals. Furthermore, feeling of availability is very important. According to this, people can realize themselves in nursing home or children’s home. Moreover, essential condition of happiness is an ability to find time themselves. People should spend their leisure what they want, for example with a book of poetry or exercises of yoga. Communication is another essential thing, because people are social creatures.

In my attitude, happiness consists of small pieces of pleasant events in our life. If we try to notice small details such as somebody’s smile, compliment or pleasant conversation with a friend, we would be in a good mood much more time. It is necessary, that people would not pay attention to various failures or would take them like new challenges.

To sum up, happiness is related with people attitude towards themselves, their achievements, goals and relationships with others. As Buddha is said: “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.“
