2009 m. spalio 11 d., sekmadienis

Your true colours


Colours have a huge influence on both people’s feelings and behavior. They could also reveal some information about person’s character.

Colours are usually used in marketing to attract customer’s attention. Color attractiveness depends on person’s custom and also his individual temperament.

According to John Ott, colours affect people’s nervous systems. It was unfolded that red colour could rise blood pressure. Due to this fact, red colour is used to make people feel hungry.

In addition, colours have a great impact on people’s opinion about various products. Too bright or pale products could make customers avoid them. Therefore, it is important to find intermediate variant.

To sum up, all colours could have different influence on individual person.

2009 m. spalio 8 d., ketvirtadienis


The aim of this summary is to evaluate my performance in listening practice according as I have done two podcasts: “Philosophy of happiness”, “Treatment of teenage depression”.
THE RATE OF SPEAKING. In my opinion, it was average.
HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU LISTENED TO SELECTED PODCASTS? To be honest, I have listened both podcasts three times. A main reason why I spend so much time was my absence of mind. Furthermore, I was in a flap that I would not understand the text and answer to questions. My fears were realized. Only when I afford to concentrate and stop worry, I could hear people’s voices and do the task.
WHICH EXERCISES ARE USEFUL FOR IMPROVING LISTENING SKILLS? To my mind, all exercises are beneficial for development of listening skills. Open- ended questions could help to achieve better results not only in listening but also in writing practice. During this task, you have both to hear right answers and know how to write them properly. According to this, open- ended questions are challenges for me, because I usually do a lot of mistakes. However, I can learn from them. Exercises of multiple choice or True/ False are also not easy tasks. Usually they are very deceptive. I often mislead and correct wrong answer if I do not listen intently.
HOW DO YOU EVALUATE YOUR ABILITY TO UNDERSTAND AUTHENTIC SPEECH? In my opinion, my ability to understand authentic speech is satisfactory. Of course, it depends on average rate of speaking, clear pronunciation and my concentration. Another important thing is whether I know certain words or not.
DO YOU THINK YOU WOULD BE ABLE TO PASS A LISTENING EXAM PAPER IF YOU HAD TO TAKE AN EXAM TODAY? I am afraid, that I am still not prepared enough to pass a listening exam paper. There are a lot of places, where I have to make a progress. So, I feel a huge need to do more listening practice,
HOW CAN YOU IMPROVE YOUR LISTENING SKILLS? There are a lot of things which could help me to develop my listening skills, for example podcasts and cassette recordings listening as often as possible. Moreover, I watch a lot English films on my computer, listen my favorite songs and try to translate them if something is unclear for me. I have noticed these methods have a good impact for my understanding of English language. I could say that my vocabulary have become wider.
To sum up, I still have to make a lot of efforts that my listening skills would become better. I strongly believe, that listening practice and my own wish help me to implement it.