2009 m. kovo 19 d., ketvirtadienis

Programmes of Psychology

The main goal of this article is to compare programmes of psychology at three universities: Mykolas Romeris University, National University of Singapore and the university of Liverpool. At all of these universities students are provided a comprehensive basic academic grounding in psychology.

Firstly, I would like to discus National university of Singapore. At this university the programme aims to equip student with knowledge in the key areas of psychology, such as social processes, cognitive processes, mental health and etc. The central topics are Biological, Cognitive, Abnormal, Developmental, Social Psychology and Empirical Methods. In my opinion, a very important fact is that students could have a lot of laboratory, practical work during their studies. They are encouraged to enquire through empirical study rather than simply to through reading or classroom instruction.

Another university is the university of Liverpool. Its programme offers an opportunity to understand the scientific basic of contemporary understanding of the human mind and behavior. Each year is based around eight modules, with a range of compulsory and optional modules in Psychology. Modules provide an introduction to the principal methods and content of Psychology. Central topics are Social Psychology, Psychobiology, Personality, Cognitive, Development and Abnormal Psychology. There are external modules from a range of subjects outside the School. Students could choose from any of the Faculties of Science, Social and Environmental studies and Arts.

There are not a lot of differences between both these universities and Mykolas Romeris University. Central topics are similar. Psychobiology is like our Anatomy. Cognitive Psychology is similar with Senses and Perception, Empirical Methods with Statistics at MRU. However, I have not found out such modules as Logic and Communication Skills at both universities of Liverpool and Singapore. Moreover, the programme length is 3 years in Liverpool and Singapore. At Mykolas Romeris University programme length is 4 years. Another difference is that academic year are subdivided to two parts and students have to learn eight modules during each of them at MRU, while the university of Liverpool provides eight modules during a year.

Each of these universities has advantages. It is very important point that students have a lot of research projects, laboratory works at National university of Singapore and the university of Liverpool. However, students have to study four years at Mykolas Romeris University. In my attitude, it is beneficial, because good specialists have to have rigid basics and knowledge about their speciality. So, it would be perfect if both theoretical and practical skills be matched.

References: http://www.nus.edu.sg/



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