2009 m. gruodžio 3 d., ketvirtadienis


WRITING (A SUMMARY). I have written some restatement summaries this term. In my view, I have done this task quite well. In comparison with the last term, I have made less grammar, spelling mistakes. Furthermore, I could do this task quicker than before. However, my few summaries were too long and I mentioned too much facts. The fact is, that I have to learn further how to write them better.
PERFORMANCE IN ESP VOCABULARY TESTS. It is not easy task for me, but I usually get quite good marks for it. The reason is, that I make a lot of efforts doing this task. So, nothing has changed since last year.
PERFORMANCE IN CLASS DICTATIONS. To be honest, I have not done any progress in writing performance. It is very hard for me to be in time with dictations. I often miss a lot of words, prepositions and articles. Moreover, I find it difficult to understand some words, which are dictated. Due to this, I could not always understand the text.
LISTENING PRACTICE IN CLASS. I am confused due to this practice. Sometimes I both hear and understand the text quite well, at other times I am nervous, because I can not fill a lot of gaps. To my mind, both my stress and a complication of the text have influence on it. Moreover, If I do not understand the meaning of the word, which I have to write in the gap I make spelling mistakes.
LISTENING TO PEERS’ POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS. My classmates presentations appeal to me. I could enjoy when I see a lot of excited pictures or hear new ideas related with our modules. It is always useful to get more information about psychological things. Furthermore, I could ask my classmates some questions during their presentations. are the reasons why I am very satisfied with a time of power point presentations.
MAKING POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS. I could claim that it is the most interesting task for me. I have made a presentation about depression this term. I have spent much time and have made a lot of efforts in this presentation. However, it was not difficult for me, because I often think about people who suffer from depression. I would like to work and help such people in my future. Despite this, a very disappointing fact that my presentation was too long and I have made a lot of grammar mistakes in it. In my opinion, such mistakes depend on my involvement in retrieval of interesting facts about depression. So, I have not paid enough attention to grammar.
SHORT TALKS ON ESP THEMES IN CLASS. I can not tell a lie, it is not very easy for me to talk impromptu. I still worry about mistakes and my pronunciation. Furthermore, sometimes I forget words which I would like to say. Despite this, I am very happy that my classmates are quite intelligent and they get me off such unpleasant situations. In addition, this task is very useful because I could learn from my mistakes.
To sum up, there are a lot of things which I still could improve.

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