2008 m. gruodžio 11 d., ketvirtadienis


The main goal of this summary is to evaluate my knowledge and assess my achievements in learning ESP.

WRITING A SUMMARY. When I began to write summaries, it was rather difficult for me. I used to spend a lot of time doing this task because it was not easy for me to find the main ideas of text and write them accurately and objectively. Now I can do this task quicker but sometimes I still have problems with it. It could confirm my last summary that was not very good due to some mistakes and retelling the content.

WRITING COMPREHENSION TESTS ON MODULES IN PSYCHOLOGY. Usually I perform these tests quite good, but it depends on lots of effort that I have to make at learning and remembering information. It is not simple to understand definitions and terms in modules so I always have a dictionary at my fingertips, but it does not always help me to realize a content. Despite this, new words and their revising increase my skills to understand similar texts.

MAKING POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS. This task appeals to me, because it develops my creativeness. I could find out new information from various sources when I was making my presentation. I believe that I managed it and my presentation was quite good.

IMPROMPTU SPEAKING IN CLASS. Speaking practice is the most common task that we have had in this term of study. Due to this I feel a progression in this task. Sometimes I still worry about mistakes and my pronunciation but I try to express my opinion and talk if I have something to say and especially if a tem appeals to me.

PERFORMANCE IN LISTENING PRACTICE. It is the hardest exercise for me. I find it difficult to understand everything what is said in the recording and follow the text. It is not enough for me to listen a text twice and I discomfit when I cannot feel the gaps. Due to this, I don’t hear anything from the second part of the text.

WRITING CONTRIBUTIONS TO E-PORTFOLIO (WEBLOG). Writing contributions is not very hard task because we can use other sources and get information from them. However, I often do not notice some grammar mistakes or use wrong tenses. But I think that I learn from my mistakes and try not to make them again.
To sum up, I get a lot of knowledge in this term. However, there are some tasks that are still hard for me, so I think that only practice could help me to do them better and better

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