2008 m. lapkričio 24 d., pirmadienis

Learning ESP

ESP - English for Specific Purposes. This term refers to the teaching of a specific genre of mostly technical English for students with specific goals, fields of study, careers.

The most important difference between English for Specific Purposes and general English is that ESP students already have some knowledge related with English. ESP gives specific needs for the learners because they get only that information, which is important for their main field of study in their English classes . It helps student‘s to gain some professional skills and use them in their particular jobs. So students are highly motivated to learn English.

Students approach the study of English through a field that is already known and relevant to them. The students' matter knowledge gives them the context they need to understand in English . Due to this, they can learn vobuculary and various definitions more easily and faster.

There are some ways in wich people can learn English. Well-formed grammar, lexis and their appliance in various works is a real advantage for each student . According to this, ESP includes Power Point Presentations on ESP themes, writing summaries of ESP texts , contributions. These writings help student‘s to increase their ability to write objectively, accurately, clearly, and briefly.

Another method to gain English knowledge is listening practice. Students begin to understand foreigners‘ pronunciation more easily than before if they do this practice. They tend to memorize some words and phrases and apply them in their speech.

ESP icludes both short talks on ESP Issues and discussions too. It is the main way to learn English. A very important thing that student‘s would be active in their classes and talk without fear to make mistakes, because students must make errors in order to succeed.

So, ESP learners are those people who have a specific interest for learning and subject matter knowledge. They try to develop English language skills, which have to reflect their native-language knowledge and skills.

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