2008 m. lapkričio 14 d., penktadienis

“Introduction to Psychology" analytical summary

“Understanding Psychology “ is a coursebook, which is written by Robert Feldman, a professor of psychology at the University of Massachusetts. The first part “Introduction to Psychology” consists of three modules: “Psychologists at Work”, “A Science Evolves: the Past, the Present and the Future” and “Psychology’s Key issues and Controversies”, where Robert Feldman talks about significance of psychology and branches of psychology science.

In the first module, Robert Feldman claims that psychology investigates the mind, people behavior, feelings and perception. Moreover, Feldman talks about specialization in psychology, ranging behavioral , clinical, counseling psychology. The author explains differences and similarities between them and unfolds problems, they are faced up to. Furthermore, there is the list of professions and positions in which psychologists could specialize.

In the second module the author supplies knowledge about the roots of psychology and mentions major philosophers and psychologists who adjusted psychology in their explorations and research. Moreover, Robert Feldman talks about various perspectives of psychology, emphasizes distinct approaches to people behavior and considers issues , which psychologists try to solve these days.

In the final module, Robert Feldman discusses both issues and arguments between psychologists in different perspectives. In addition, Feldman gives his opinion about the science of psychology in the future- he tends to believe in successful development of psychology. Furthermore, the author talks about pseudo psychology and explains both the damage of it and possibilities to avoid and not mistake this psychology for accurate science.

To sum up, Robert Feldman, talking about different branches of psychology , reveals the benefit of this science and emphasizes motivation to use psychology in various situations.

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