2008 m. lapkričio 9 d., sekmadienis


Not each person knows what serious problem is kleptomania. Even in these days,it is believed that kleptomaniacs plan their actions and that they are motivated by value of items. However , it is huge mistake. So, what the kleptomania really is.

Kleptomania is a mental health disorder characterized by repeated, failed urge to stop stealing items, that you don‘t need. It is often seen in patients who are chemically dependent or who have mood disorders, such as depression. It is hard to establish causes of kleptomania, but some clinicians think that it may be related with problems with a naturally occurring brain chemical called serotonin or obsessive- compulsive disorder. In adition, excessive life stressors, financial unsuccess may have influence too.

Kleptomania is possibly to recognise from these features: repeated theft of subjects that are not necessary, being not ralated with anger or hallucination, increasing tension, feeling pleasure at the time of theft and shame or guilt after it. Moreover, it is worth to know that kleptomaciacs steal from various places, such as shops, supermarkets or even from their friends. Items are usually thrown away or sometimes they are given away to their previous places.

It is very important thing that kleptomaniacs can seek medical advise without being arrested. If kleptomania is diagnosed by psychiatrists, they can suggest some psychiatric medications to treat kleptomania such as antidepressants, mood stabilizers or addiction medications. Cognitive behavioral or psychodynamic therapy also may be helpful. Furthermore,self-help groups can give support and help to deal with this problem.

Kleptomania is necessary to recognise and know how to struggle with it.

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