2008 m. lapkričio 14 d., penktadienis

“States of Consciousness” analytical summary

“States of consciousness” is the third part in the coursebook “Understanding of Psychology”, which is written by Robert Feldman. In the module 1 “Sleep and Dreams” the author explores importance of sleep and dreams and their influence for people .

Firstly, Robert Feldman discusses five stages of sleep, ranging from 1 stage to REM sleep and reveals changes accuring in human body during sleep, such as blood pressure or eye movement. Furthermore, Feldman unfolds timescales of the stages of sleep and substantial amount of sleep to gain sufficient bounce.

Secondly, Robert Feldman talks about different approaches to origin of dreams and prefers three theories : unconscious wish fulfillment theory, which represented Sigmund Freud , dreams - for survival and activation – synthesis theories. In addition, the author explains different kinds of sleep disturbances, for instance, insomnia , sleep apnea and their both physical and psychological reasons. Moreover, Feldman discusses importance of circadian rhythms for bodily functions and damage if circadian rhythms are disturbed.

Finally, the author talks about daydreamers, most common fantasies and their benefit. Moreover, the author proposes some psychologists’ suggestions for overcoming sleep disturbances.
In conclusion, Robert Feldman reveals the benefit of sleep and dreams, issues related with them and helps to look to dreams more seriously.

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