2009 m. gegužės 14 d., ketvirtadienis


WRITING (A SUMMARY). I have written a lot of summaries this term. Not all of them were perfectly evaluated. The reason why it happened I think was a new task for us- writing a restatement summary. I have had to change my skills of writing analytical summary to restatement summary. It was rather difficult for me. However, now I could do this task quite well and quickly. Of course, it depends on hardness of a text. Furthermore, this task is very beneficial, because I could learn from my mistakes.
PERFORMANCE IN ESP VOCABULARY TESTS. My result of this performance was quite good like before. However, I still put a lot of effort in memorizing of information. I strongly believe that next year I could prepare for this task much easier.
PERFORMANCE IN CLASS DICTATIONS. I am afraid that it is one of the most difficult tasks for me. During this performance, I have to write a text in a rush. Due to this, I make a lot of mistakes, such as words missing, mixing both articles and prepositions. Sometimes I heard words incorrectly. At that time, I do not understand sentences, which I write. I hope that I will improve my performance in the future.
LISTENING PRACTICE IN CLASS. To be honest, this task makes me nervous. I still do not feel a progression when I do listening practice. Of course, we had some really interesting listening tasks this term. In my attitude, if a text is attractive for me, it is much understandable and I can mark a right answer. Despite this, I discomfit when I have to feel gasps.
LISTENING TO PEERS’ POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS. It is lovely time that I could genuinely call a relaxation. My classmates are very creative and they have a lot of unexpected ideas. I could both revise important information related with our modules and gain new knowledge from such presentations.
MAKING POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS. Unfortunately, I should confess that I have not done this task yet because I have not had enough time. However, I enjoyed this task the last term. So, I am confident that I will present my presentation in the short term and I do it with a huge pleasure.
SHORT TALKS ON ESP THEMES IN CLASS. This task appeals to me, because we can exchange of our different views about various themes. Moreover, this task helps me improve my speaking skills. I notice that I am not so afraid to talk as earlier. I know that I make a lot of mistakes in my short talks, but I can learn from it.

To sum up, all tasks help me improve my English skills. I know that only with a lot of practice I could achieve good results.

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