2009 m. gegužės 12 d., antradienis


A phobia is an irrational, persistent fear of certain situations, things, or people. The main symptom of phobias is the unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject. If the fear is beyond one's control, it could be called the anxiety disorder.
According to the study, there was found that phobias
arise from a combination of internal predispositions and external events. Heredity, genetics, and brain chemistry combined with life-experiences play a major role in the development of them.

Taphophobia is one of the strong fears. It is the fear of being placed in a grave while still alive as a result of being incorrectly pronounced dead. There are a lot of legends of people being accidentally buried alive, what is the main cause of taphophobia. Legends have elements such as coffins opened to find a corpse with a long beard. Another legend tells of someone entering into the state of coma only to wake up years later in a grave and die again a horrible death. People with this phobia try to make all sorts of arrangements for the construction of a “safety coffin”. There are some stories about "Dead ringer", which means that people prepare a rope attached to a bell outside the coffin, which could alert people that the recently buried person is not yet deceased.

Another abnormal and persistent fear is phasmophobia. Phasmophobia is the phobia of ghosts or phantasms. It is usually brought about by experiences in early childhood, when people believe that they have had a meeting with ghosts. Other causes of this phobia are influences of both films and tale stories. The sufferer often has panic attacks and experiences intense feelings of terror. Person also has increased or rapid heart-beat. Furthermore, such people avoid situations in which they think they could encounter apparitions. Sufferers are not only afraid of ghosts but rather what they perceive to be a ghost. If person is under stress, he could lose his rationally thinking and cannot afford to differentiate reality from his fantasies.

There are some methods which could be useful in treating of both these phobias. Some therapists offer cognitive behavioral therapy. During this therapy, psychotherapists try to help sufferers to reveal their negative thought patterns and ways to change them to positive. Another technique is hypnotherapy. It could help remove the associations that trigger irrational fears. Moreover, anti-depression medications could be beneficial. It is clear, that all of these methods have to be applied by specialists.

Nobody could argue that each person could have a phobia. Famous people are not exception. There is information that George Washington had taphophobia. On his deathbed, Washington made his attendants promise not to bury him for three days. Sigmund Freud had siderodromophobia, fear of train travel. Gas of trains for him looks similar to souls burning in hell.

To sum up, a phobia is not a simple fear. Phobias are serious anxiety disorders. If people cannot control their fears and carry out daily activities without incident, it is a notice that phobias have to be treated.



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