2008 m. lapkričio 24 d., pirmadienis

Learning ESP

ESP - English for Specific Purposes. This term refers to the teaching of a specific genre of mostly technical English for students with specific goals, fields of study, careers.

The most important difference between English for Specific Purposes and general English is that ESP students already have some knowledge related with English. ESP gives specific needs for the learners because they get only that information, which is important for their main field of study in their English classes . It helps student‘s to gain some professional skills and use them in their particular jobs. So students are highly motivated to learn English.

Students approach the study of English through a field that is already known and relevant to them. The students' matter knowledge gives them the context they need to understand in English . Due to this, they can learn vobuculary and various definitions more easily and faster.

There are some ways in wich people can learn English. Well-formed grammar, lexis and their appliance in various works is a real advantage for each student . According to this, ESP includes Power Point Presentations on ESP themes, writing summaries of ESP texts , contributions. These writings help student‘s to increase their ability to write objectively, accurately, clearly, and briefly.

Another method to gain English knowledge is listening practice. Students begin to understand foreigners‘ pronunciation more easily than before if they do this practice. They tend to memorize some words and phrases and apply them in their speech.

ESP icludes both short talks on ESP Issues and discussions too. It is the main way to learn English. A very important thing that student‘s would be active in their classes and talk without fear to make mistakes, because students must make errors in order to succeed.

So, ESP learners are those people who have a specific interest for learning and subject matter knowledge. They try to develop English language skills, which have to reflect their native-language knowledge and skills.

2008 m. lapkričio 14 d., penktadienis

And Death Shall Have No Dominion

"And death shall have no dominion.
Dead mean naked they shall be one
With the man in the wind and the west moon;
When their bones are picked clean and the clean bones gone,
They shall have stars at elbow and foot;
Though they go mad they shall be sane,
Though they sink through the sea they shall rise again;
Though lovers be lost love shall not;
And death shall have no dominion.

And death shall have no dominion.
Under the windings of the sea
They lying long shall not die windily;
Twisting on racks when sinews give way,
Strapped to a wheel, yet they shall not break;
Faith in their hands shall snap in two,
And the unicorn evils run them through;
Split all ends up they shan't crack;
And death shall have no dominion.
And death shall have no dominion.
No more may gulls cry at their ears
Or waves break loud on the seashores;
Where blew a flower may a flower no more
Lift its head to the blows of the rain;
Though they be mad and dead as nails,
Heads of the characters hammer through daisies;
Break in the sun till the sun breaks down,
And death shall have no dominion. "

Dylan Thomas

“States of Consciousness” analytical summary

“States of consciousness” is the third part in the coursebook “Understanding of Psychology”, which is written by Robert Feldman. In the module 1 “Sleep and Dreams” the author explores importance of sleep and dreams and their influence for people .

Firstly, Robert Feldman discusses five stages of sleep, ranging from 1 stage to REM sleep and reveals changes accuring in human body during sleep, such as blood pressure or eye movement. Furthermore, Feldman unfolds timescales of the stages of sleep and substantial amount of sleep to gain sufficient bounce.

Secondly, Robert Feldman talks about different approaches to origin of dreams and prefers three theories : unconscious wish fulfillment theory, which represented Sigmund Freud , dreams - for survival and activation – synthesis theories. In addition, the author explains different kinds of sleep disturbances, for instance, insomnia , sleep apnea and their both physical and psychological reasons. Moreover, Feldman discusses importance of circadian rhythms for bodily functions and damage if circadian rhythms are disturbed.

Finally, the author talks about daydreamers, most common fantasies and their benefit. Moreover, the author proposes some psychologists’ suggestions for overcoming sleep disturbances.
In conclusion, Robert Feldman reveals the benefit of sleep and dreams, issues related with them and helps to look to dreams more seriously.

I'll starred

"To bear a weight that cannot be borne,
Sisyphus, even you aren't that strong,
Although your heart cannot be torn
Time is short and Art is long.
Far from celebrated sepulchers
Toward a solitary graveyard
My heart, like a drum muffled hard
Beats a funeral march for the ill-starred.
—Many jewels are buried or shrouded
In darkness and oblivion's clouds,
Far from any pick or drill bit,
Many a flower unburdens with regret
Its perfume sweet like a secret;
In profoundly empty solitude to sit. "
Charles Baudelaire

“Introduction to Psychology" analytical summary

“Understanding Psychology “ is a coursebook, which is written by Robert Feldman, a professor of psychology at the University of Massachusetts. The first part “Introduction to Psychology” consists of three modules: “Psychologists at Work”, “A Science Evolves: the Past, the Present and the Future” and “Psychology’s Key issues and Controversies”, where Robert Feldman talks about significance of psychology and branches of psychology science.

In the first module, Robert Feldman claims that psychology investigates the mind, people behavior, feelings and perception. Moreover, Feldman talks about specialization in psychology, ranging behavioral , clinical, counseling psychology. The author explains differences and similarities between them and unfolds problems, they are faced up to. Furthermore, there is the list of professions and positions in which psychologists could specialize.

In the second module the author supplies knowledge about the roots of psychology and mentions major philosophers and psychologists who adjusted psychology in their explorations and research. Moreover, Robert Feldman talks about various perspectives of psychology, emphasizes distinct approaches to people behavior and considers issues , which psychologists try to solve these days.

In the final module, Robert Feldman discusses both issues and arguments between psychologists in different perspectives. In addition, Feldman gives his opinion about the science of psychology in the future- he tends to believe in successful development of psychology. Furthermore, the author talks about pseudo psychology and explains both the damage of it and possibilities to avoid and not mistake this psychology for accurate science.

To sum up, Robert Feldman, talking about different branches of psychology , reveals the benefit of this science and emphasizes motivation to use psychology in various situations.

2008 m. lapkričio 9 d., sekmadienis

Psychology of shopping

Some people notice that they often spend in supermarkerts or shops much more money than they have decided to spend before buying or that they buy items which are not required for them. Sometimes it can hide serious problem called oniomania.

Oniomania is the pathological addiction to shopping. It occurs when people can not resists the temptation to buy pretty things because it makes them feel better. They buy items ,such as clothes, jewellerys or boots even if they are not used or are thrown away.

Shopping addicts can become people with all social and income levels. These people frequently have self- esteem problems, drinking problems or even eating disorders.

It is claimed, that the urge to shop comes on oniomaniacs on a regular bases. They feel pleasure during the shopping because they are among pretty things and sales people treat them nicely. However, it is temporary emotions. People feel terrible guilty and shame afterwards.

Psychyatrist can suggest anti-depressant medication for oniomaniacs who want to deal with their addiction. Regardless, such treatment can continue for a long time because people often return by their habits of shopping.

These people must admit their problem, talk with their close friends or family, who have to give them support and love.


Not each person knows what serious problem is kleptomania. Even in these days,it is believed that kleptomaniacs plan their actions and that they are motivated by value of items. However , it is huge mistake. So, what the kleptomania really is.

Kleptomania is a mental health disorder characterized by repeated, failed urge to stop stealing items, that you don‘t need. It is often seen in patients who are chemically dependent or who have mood disorders, such as depression. It is hard to establish causes of kleptomania, but some clinicians think that it may be related with problems with a naturally occurring brain chemical called serotonin or obsessive- compulsive disorder. In adition, excessive life stressors, financial unsuccess may have influence too.

Kleptomania is possibly to recognise from these features: repeated theft of subjects that are not necessary, being not ralated with anger or hallucination, increasing tension, feeling pleasure at the time of theft and shame or guilt after it. Moreover, it is worth to know that kleptomaciacs steal from various places, such as shops, supermarkets or even from their friends. Items are usually thrown away or sometimes they are given away to their previous places.

It is very important thing that kleptomaniacs can seek medical advise without being arrested. If kleptomania is diagnosed by psychiatrists, they can suggest some psychiatric medications to treat kleptomania such as antidepressants, mood stabilizers or addiction medications. Cognitive behavioral or psychodynamic therapy also may be helpful. Furthermore,self-help groups can give support and help to deal with this problem.

Kleptomania is necessary to recognise and know how to struggle with it.