2008 m. lapkričio 9 d., sekmadienis

Psychology of shopping

Some people notice that they often spend in supermarkerts or shops much more money than they have decided to spend before buying or that they buy items which are not required for them. Sometimes it can hide serious problem called oniomania.

Oniomania is the pathological addiction to shopping. It occurs when people can not resists the temptation to buy pretty things because it makes them feel better. They buy items ,such as clothes, jewellerys or boots even if they are not used or are thrown away.

Shopping addicts can become people with all social and income levels. These people frequently have self- esteem problems, drinking problems or even eating disorders.

It is claimed, that the urge to shop comes on oniomaniacs on a regular bases. They feel pleasure during the shopping because they are among pretty things and sales people treat them nicely. However, it is temporary emotions. People feel terrible guilty and shame afterwards.

Psychyatrist can suggest anti-depressant medication for oniomaniacs who want to deal with their addiction. Regardless, such treatment can continue for a long time because people often return by their habits of shopping.

These people must admit their problem, talk with their close friends or family, who have to give them support and love.

1 komentaras:

Ingrida rašė...

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